Tuesday 8 January 2013

Steph's (Healthy) Pistachio Cookies!

Phew, have finally figured out how to post on this thing!

So for healthy bakes, I wanted to do something sweet (because I thought it would be a challenge). The problem seemed to be that anything "healthy" involved nuts, which, although they are fabby for you in terms of protein and the like, are crazy high calorie so whatever it was wouldn't have any impressively low stats. But this seemed to fit the bill, no egg yolk, no butter, not much sugar... voila, health in a cookie. I wasn't a big fan, as I don't really like a lot of nut, but they seemed to go down well. And I had a chance to use the food processor I got for xmas (yoohoo).

I am well aware of, and apologise for, the fact they look like falafel. The original recipe said to use food colouring, but I thought it would detract from healthiness. Turns out, a bit of green might have made them a little more exciting and less chickpea-y. Woops.

Pistachio cookies
(makes ~ 10, adapted from this beautiful blog http://mondomulia.com/2012/09/25/pistachio-cookies/)

110g pistachios (reduced from the original because I didn't buy enough, and went hunting around my baking stash to find more)
110g ground almonds
2 egg whites
80g sugar

- Grind half the pistachios finely (like ground almond-y texture), and the other half roughly, and keep them separate.
- Mix the ground almonds and finely ground pistachios together and add the sugar.
- Stir in enough egg white to make a paste. Add more ground almonds if it seems a little wet.
- I guess this would be the point to add green food colouring to make them more sweetie-like.
- Roll into balls and roll in the coarsely chopped pistachios. Place on a baking tray (they don't spread much because there's nothing in them to melt, so don't worry about lots and lots of space in between)
- Bake for 12-14 minutes at 170c, flattening them with a spoon about halfway through cooking.
- The original recipe sprinkled them with more sugar afterwards, but in the spirit of healthy, I resisted. And then went to raid the Christmas biscuits.................

Happy new year!!

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