Wednesday 5 December 2012

December - Secret Santa

Ho Ho Ho!

We decided a little while ago that we'll try not to repeat themes from last year, but we also decided that we couldn't NOT do Christmas in December, so we decided to put a Secret Santa spin on it. Each member had to put a word or phrase which made them think of Christmas into a hat, and then the words were drawn out at random for another member to use as baking inspiration.

Here are the words everyone put in:

Me - Christmas films
Sally - Tinsel
Charlie - Baileys
Steph - Mulled Wine
Joy - Red
Katrina - Praline
Laura S - Stars
Ruth - Pine smell
Angel - Bacon
Jen - sweet mincemeat
Catherine - gingerbread
Kate - candy canes
Tom - Ginger

So what did we come up with? Well, unfortunately Angel, Catherine, Charlie, Jen and Kate couldn't make it, but the rest of us were very pleased with our Secret Santa Bakes! Joy baked some Pine-infused Caramel Shortbread Tartlets for Ruth, Katrina baked some Vanilla Cupcakes topped with images from some Christmas films for me, Laura baked a big  Chocolate Cake which was iced with a Christmas Tree and edible glitter tinsel for Sally, Ruth baked a Mulled Wine Bread and Butter Pudding for Steph, Sally baked some wonderfully interesting Praline Bacon for Katrina, Steph baked a Gingerbread Cheesecake for Catherine, Tom baked some big and very tasty Pigs in Blankets for Angel, and I made a Ginger and White Chocolate Cheesecake and some Ginger Cordial for Tom, and also some Bailey's Blondies topped with red glitter and white chocolate stars for Charlie, Joy and Laura!

We had a great time, with Christmas songs, cracker jokes and paper crowns, and we all ate our fill of sweet, savoury, and sweet and savoury combined goodies - I'm sure a few belt buttons were undone when we all got home, just like the real thing!

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